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 Pedagogical skills

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Pedagogical skills Vide
PostSubject: Pedagogical skills   Pedagogical skills EmptyThu 26 Jan - 14:51

Pedagogical skills

Pedagogy can be defined as the art of teaching. Beyond simply
understanding the content one is teaching, pedagogy involves being able
to convey knowledge and skills in ways that students can understand,
remember and apply. Although there is a significant amount of overlap
between the two, pedagogical skills can generally be divided into
classroom management skills and content-related skills.

Any good teacher knows that a class full of out-of-control
students is unlikely to learn much. A teacher's first major task, then,
is to learn to manage behaviour in his or her classroom. This set of
pedagogical skills involves establishing clear rules and expectations,
because students who do not know what is expected of them are more
likely to misbehave. Establishing expectations upfront keeps many
problems from arising. When behavioural problems do arise in the
classroom, however, a skilled teacher is able to handle them with a
minimum amount of disruption to the learning environment.

The other major area of pedagogical skills is that of teaching
content effectively. These skills vary with the subject matter and level
of instruction, as those skills needed to teach kindergarteners to read
are significantly different from those needed to teach secondary
students to build sets for a theater production. Regardless of the
content, however, a good teacher will present information in ways that
actively engage the students in the material that they are learning.
Good pedagogy involves not only imparting information, but also
providing opportunities to apply that information.

A teacher must also be able to tailor content to the needs of his or
her students. In any given classroom, no two students will have exactly
the same knowledge or skills about the subject matter. A skilled teacher
will be able to anticipate and respond to individual students' learning
needs and challenges. He or she will also present tasks that are
appropriate to the students' level of cognitive development.

These two types of pedagogical skills work together to create a good
learning environment. Engaging and appropriate teaching methods help to
reduce behavioral problems in the classroom. Students who are actively
learning are less likely to be disruptive. If the material is too easy
or not presented in interesting enough ways, students are likely to get
bored. On the other hand, material that is too difficult may cause
students to become frustrated.

The cluster diagram below offers strategic questions as examples of pedagogy. A failure to address such questions reduces the likelihood that learners will make impressive progress.

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Pedagogical skills Vide
PostSubject: Re: Pedagogical skills   Pedagogical skills EmptyThu 26 Jan - 21:53

It is really a very interesting document.Thank you Madam.
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Pedagogical skills Vide
PostSubject: Re: Pedagogical skills   Pedagogical skills EmptyThu 26 Jan - 21:58

Fruitful !
Thank you, Madam.We are in need with such documents .
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